Ethiopian Freight Forwarders and Shipping Agents Association

The Rest 2 Training Programs Completed Successfully

Warehouse Management & Consolidation, Deconsolidation and Staffing training program which took 20 and 24 hours respectively completed. Both programs along with the previously delivered Dry Port Management training for 20 hours were designed under a special “Capacity Building” program which was organized by Ethiopian Freight Forwarders and Shipping Agents Association (EFFSAA) in collaboration with Trademark East Africa (TMEA) and conducted from 13th – 29th December 2021. Warehouse Management training program which was delivered from 20th – 24th of December 2021 had a total of 21 professionals. On the other side, a training delivered about Consolidation, Deconsolidation and Staffing which was held from 23rd – 29th December 2021 also had 25 trainees which came from different governmental and private organizations including EFFSAA members. After the end of all training programs, trainees visited Ethiopian Shipping and Logistics Services Enterprise Modjo dry port on Thursday December 30, 2021 which EFFSAA believed that it helped all to entwine the theoretical knowledge with that of the practical one.

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