Ethiopian Freight Forwarders and Shipping Agents Association

EFFSAA Weekly Newsletter, Vol. 01, No. 030

YLP Participants Visited EAL Cargo and EDR Indode Freight Station.

YLP Participants Visited EAL Cargo and EDR Indode Freight Station(small)


An educational trip was held to the trainees of Young Logisticians Training Program.

EFFSAA arranged the trip to Ethiopian Airlines Cargo and Ethio-Djibouti Railway S.C Indode Freight Station on Tuesday, March 09, 2021. The Association conducted the program to let trainees entwine the theoretical knowledge with the practical one.

Trainees visited the different facilities of EAL Cargo and EDR Indode Freight Station with a brief explanation about general overview and operational aspects which was given by senior staff members of both institutions.


Workshop which Aims to ensure Standard Operating Procedure and Similar Working Hour between Ethiopia and Djibouti was Held

The workshop which was organized by Ethiopian Logistics Community of Practice is expected to solve the fragmented and non-standardized working process which is observed between Ethiopia and Djibouti to integrated and standardized operating procedure.

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Ethiopian Airlines Transports COVID-19 Vaccines from Beijing to Brazzaville

Ethiopian Airlines Transports COVID-19 Vaccines from Beijing to Brazzaville

Ethiopian Airlines has operated COVID-19 vaccine delivery flights from Beijing to Brazzaville, according to a statement from Ethiopian Group.

It is to be recalled that Ethiopian transported the first batch of Coronavirus vaccines from Mumbai to Addis Ababa on 06 March 2021. Accordingly, the airline continued to play its prominent role in the vaccine distribution and transported the vaccines from Beijing to Brazzaville via Addis Ababa on 10 March 2021.

Ethiopian Cargo and Logistics Services, the cargo unit of Ethiopian Airlines Group, was instrumental in facilitating the flow of medical supplies including PPE across the globe in support of the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic by deploying its state-of-the-art cargo terminal, it noted.

Ethiopian is a major cargo partner of WHO, WFP, donor governments and philanthropists in facilitating the flow of essential medical supplies owing to the massive cargo facility including Pharma Wing, large and dedicated freighters and well-trained manpower.

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Djibouti once again assures the requirements of ISO28000

The modern port facility in the Horn, Doraleh Multipurpose Port (DMP) reaffirms its certification on international security management from the British company. The ISO28000: 2007 certification assures the competitiveness of the port facility that is located at Doraleh, which is in the outskirts of Djibouti city.

DMP has been ISO28000: 2007 certified since March 28, 2019 by the Llyod’s Register, a British company expert in the field of certification. The port indicated that the said certification relating to the supply chain security management system brings to the facility at DMP a number of advantages such as a clear competitive advantage on the market, increased reliability and improved customer satisfaction.

The certification will then be maintained by annual surveillance audits scheduled by the certification body, with the renewal of the certification of the Supply Chain Safety Management System carried out on a three-year basis. The Port also meets the safety rules established by the International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) regulations.

This certification process has been endorsed since the end of the 2000s at PDSA, which is the first port in East Africa to have received certification in 2008 for its organization in terms of safety.

Regarding site capacity per day, it shall manage 1,000 heads of camel, 500 heads of cattle 4,270 heads of goat or sheep at the current phase that will be expanded in the coming expansion projects.

The terminal also has various structures suitable for the export of sheep, cattle, goats and camels, while new facility is viable with the railway system of Ethio-Djibouti Railway.

DMP has a range of terminals that including bulk, break, container, a RoRo depth of 15.3 meter with 8.000.000 MT annual capacity.

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Shipping officially submits its $5bn decarbonization ‘moonshot’ proposal to the IMO

Shipping officially submits its $5bn decarbonization ‘moonshot’ proposal to the IMO

A number of countries are backing the shipping industry’s call for a $5bn R&D fund to help decarbonize the sector – a bid to hold off regulators such as the European Union from making their own emissions plans.

The much-discussed proposal – dubbed shipping’s decarbonization moonshot – was officially submitted to the International Maritime Organization (IMO), backed by member states including Greece, Japan, Liberia and Singapore.

Shipping is increasingly facing up to the real possibility of regional environmental legislation leaping ahead of the IMO, which hitherto has served as the industry’s global regulator. Carbon levies have been hotly discussed in recent months. The industry is likely to be included in Europe’s emissions trading scheme, with the US and China looking at similar schemes.

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