Ethiopian Freight Forwarders and Shipping Agents Association

EFFSAA Weekly Newsletter, Vol. 01, No. 018

CEVA Logistics strengthens African presence through JVs in Egypt, Ethiopia



CEVA Logistics continues to expand its presence in the African market with the strengthening of its presence in two countries through two joint ventures. In Egypt, the company has taken a majority stake in IBA Freight Services, its exclusive partner for the past 20 years. In Ethiopia, CEVA Logistics has taken a minority stake in MACCFA, a freight forwarder headquartered in Addis Ababa.

Through the new joint ventures both entities will be able to expand their products base which will help enhance the use of their local logistics services across the CEVA Logistics network.

MACCFA has been established for some 25 years and operates from six offices and customs locations across Ethiopia offering a full range of logistics services. Outside the capital, it is the dominant player and operates two road corridors: Addis Ababa – Djibouti and Mekelle – Kombolcha – Addis Ababa.

It also provides intermodal solutions using fully booked Block Train services from the Port of Djibouti to Indode Freight Terminal near Addis Ababa with onward trucking services to final destinations across Ethiopia. Furthermore, MACCFA has a long-standing working relationship with CEVA Logistics’ parent company, the CMA CGM Group. Furthermore, MACCFA has a long-standing working relationship with CEVA Logistics’ parent company, the CMA CGM Group, a world leader in shipping and logistics.

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CPCS presented the first feasibility study report on Ethio-Sudan railway project

The Canadian Consulting firm CPCS hired by African Development Bank Group has presented & submitted its first milestones of feasibility study report on Ethiopia Sudan railway project development to both countries.
Main objective of this project is to produce a BFS which demonstrates the socio-economic & political viability for the planned construction of a railway b/n Ethiopia & Sudan. The study corridor is a total estimated distance of 1512Km – estimated distance of 594km in Ethiopia & 918 km in Sudan.

The project construction in Ethiopia accords with the Logistics policy & construction demand of national rail network, builds a convenient international maritime transportation channel, promotes socio-economic sustainable development & forms a green transport corridor.

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Airbus Awards Ethiopian for Unique Agility, Resilience


Airbus has awarded Ethiopian Airlines for its unique agility and resilience amid COVID-19. Airbus Vice President Sales Africa and Levant Customer Affairs, Hadi Akoum handed over the award to Ethiopian CEO Tewolde Gebremariam.

He expressed the admiration of Airbus for the unbelievable achievement of Ethiopian Airlines during the unprecedented pandemic.

“While other airlines were trying to figure out what to do, Ethiopian Airlines was moving ahead finding and creating solution, converting the passenger aircraft to freighters,” Akoum noted.

Ethiopian Airlines is able to maintain the operation of all its fleets where others are hardly at 10 percent of their capability and many airlines have just simply gone bankrupt, he said.

The Vice President pointed out, “This is something unique all over the world.”

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IMO welcomes UN resolution on keyworker seafarers

The United Nations General Assembly has called on UN Member States to designate seafarers and other marine personnel as key workers and to implement relevant measures to allow stranded seafarers to be repatriated and others to join ships, and to ensure access to medical care.

In a resolution on International cooperation to address challenges faced by seafarers as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic to support global supply chains, adopted on 1 December, the United Nations recognizes the need for an urgent and concrete response from all stakeholders, including the private sector, to resolve the situation of seafarers stranded at sea and/or unable to join ships because of national travel restrictions introduced across the globe as a result of the pandemic.

The resolution also encourages Governments and relevant stakeholders to implement IMO-recognized protocols to ensure safe ship crew changes and travel during the COVID-19 pandemic, thereby allowing stranded seafarers to be repatriated and others to join ships, taking into account essential preventive measures taken by port states against COVID-19.

Noting recent positive news regarding the development of vaccines against COVID-19, International Maritime Organization (IMO) Secretary-General Kitack Lim said the key worker designation should ensure seafarers and maritime workers receive priority vaccination, to allow them to work and maintain vital global supply chains.

“I hope that the key worker designation will ensure that seafarers can be vaccinated expeditiously. This will go some way to resolving the ongoing crew change crisis,” Mr. Lim said.

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Huawei Eyes Ethiopia Growth as Telecoms Industry Opens Up

“Ethiopia is rising and becoming much more important for the future,” Loise Tamalgo, Huawei’s Vice-President for Southern-Sahara Africa, said in an interview in Ivory Coast’s commercial capital, Abidjan. The company is likely to move a regional office covering about five countries from the Democratic Republic Congo to Ethiopia, where it currently only has a country office, he said.

“Our strategy is very simple,” Tamalgo said. The company plans to leverage its position as the main vendor of the state-owned monopoly Ethio Telecom to bid for opportunities in the country, he said.

Liberalization of the telecom industry is at the forefront of what Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed said in 2018 would be a wide-ranging privatization program. The plan was intended to bring in much needed foreign exchange and boost the economy, while improving connectivity across the Horn of Africa nation.

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New dates for IATA WCS announced


The 14th International Air Transport Association (IATA) World Air Cargo Symposium will be held from October 12 – 14, 2021. The event will be held in Istanbul, Turkey, supported by Turkish Airlines.

IATA WCS which was decided to be held in March was stalled due to the outbreak of coronavirus.

IATA 76th annual general meeting (AGM) took place virtually on November 24, which was hosted by KLM Royal Dutch Airlines from Amsterdam, the Netherlands. While the World Air Transport Summit (WATS) that accompanies the AGM was cancelled.

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