Ethiopian Freight Forwarders and Shipping Agents Association

EFFSAA Weekly Newsletter, Vol. 01, No. 011

EFFSAA has signed Memorandum of Understanding with ITTLLDC

Ethiopian Freight Forwarders and Shipping Agents Association has signed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with International Think Tank Group for Land Locked Developing Countries.

Since about a third of the continent is made up of countries that have no access to the ocean or sea, an interest which emanated from EFFSAA to mutually cooperate on common areas was warmly welcomed by the institution which stands for world landlocked countries.

International Think Tank Group for Land Locked Developing Countries was officially launched in July 2009 in Ulaanbaatar by H.E. Ban Ki-moon, Former United Nations Secretary-General, and H.E. S.Batbold, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Mongolia. The institution focuses on different issues of landlocked developing countries such as Transport & access, trade facilitation, trade & economic development, technology & connectivity, economic diversification, global value chains, regional cooperation and Integration etc.

From the 17 landlocked African countries, Ethiopia is the second most populous landlocked country. EFFSAA’s collaboration with ITTLLDC is believed to have significance on the country’s recent activities of the logistics sector.


The Authority Holds Meeting with Private Sector Stakeholders on 10 Year Development Plan

Ethiopian Maritime Authority holds discussion with stakeholders on 10-year development plan and first quarter performance of the fiscal year. A meeting arranged by the authority on Tuesday and Wednesday briefed the four pillars of the plan i.e. Transformation of Logistics System, Blue Economy Strategy, Institutional Capacity Building and Legal Framework for Maritime Sector and evaluated the first quarter performance.

During the Tuesday’s session, a plan to commence passenger transport and appropriate operation on the transportation of livestock were discussed in detail.

In addition to the 10 year development plan, the Wednesday’s session also raised points which was followed by discussion on how to respond to a call from the government to participate on the grand “Gebeta Lehager” project and ways for private sector stakeholders to contribute for the project.

Following the forum, a visit was made on Saturday October 31, 2020 to the newly inaugurated Sheger Park which is part of “Gebeta Lesheger” project.


Ethiopian Cargo & Logistics Services Wins ‘Best Cargo Airline – Africa’ Award.

Ethiopian Cargo & Logistics Services, Africa’s largest network cargo operator and multi-award winner, has been crowned with the ‘Best Cargo Airline – Africa’ Award at the Air Cargo News Awards 2020. Ethiopian received the accolade for its leading role in air cargo service in Africa.

Commenting on the award, Mr. Fitsum Abady, MD Ethiopian Cargo & Logistics Services, remarked, “We are pleased to win the “Best Cargo Airline – Africa” award at the Air Cargo News Awards 2020. While the aviation industry is in its toughest time of fighting for survival, winning this award at this difficult time will mark our big achievement as major player in the air-cargo industry.

It’s to be recalled that Ethiopian Cargo and Logistic Service played a leading role in transporting much needed medical supplies across Africa and the rest of the globe since COVID-19 broke out.

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De Havilland Canada Delivers Two Dash 8-400 Aircraft to Ethiopian Airlines

De Havilland Aircraft of Canada Limited (“De Havilland Canada”) announces the delivery of another two Dash 8-400 aircraft to Ethiopian Airlines (“Ethiopian”), including the airline’s milestone 30th Dash 8-400 aircraft. The 30th aircraft – MSN 4617 – is preparing to depart for Ethiopian’s hub in Addis Ababa, along with aircraft MSN 4615. Ethiopian first welcomed the Dash 8-400 aircraft into its fleet in March 2010.

“This milestone 30th delivery highlights our confidence in the Dash 8-400 aircraft and is a testament to the joint success in supporting our network and strategic partnerships with several carriers across Africa,” said Tewolde GebreMariam, Group Chief Executive Officer, Ethiopian Airlines. “The Dash 8-400 aircraft continues to provide the operational flexibility, exceptional performance capability, capacity and passenger comfort we need. Most importantly, the Dash 8-400 aircraft supports the cost leadership strategy we rely on in our market – particularly in these unprecedented times during the COVID-19 pandemic.”

“Ethiopian has taken tremendous positive steps to strengthen their capabilities with the acquisition of the first Dash 8-400 simulator for Africa and by recently adding a second simulator; achieving recognition as an Authorized Service Facility; and proving the value of a business class configuration on regional aircraft in Africa.” said Sameer Adam, Regional Vice President, Sales – Europe and Russia, Middle East, Africa, and South America/Caribbean.

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New Djibouti Sea Route to Reduce Shipping Time Between Turkey Horn of Africa from 50 Days To 10

The first container ship of the Djibouti Shipping Company, which will exclusively operate between Turkey, Djibouti and Somalia, was launched during a ceremony on Friday. The new sea route will reduce shipping time from 35 to 50 days to just nine to 10 days, Djibouti’s Ambassador to Turkey Aden Houssein Abdillahi stated.

“This new logistics initiative, which enables to deliver goods in nine to 10 days instead of 35 to 50 days is a game-changer that will increase the trade volume between Turkey and the Horn of Africa,” Abdillahi said.

Saying that it will substantially increase financial cooperation, the ambassador stated: “The new shipping line established by the Djibouti shipping company will operate exclusively between Turkey and the Horn of Africa with two container ships with the capacity of 11,000 tons and 20,000 tons, respectively.”

The trade volume between Turkey and the Horn of Africa, namely Djibouti, Ethiopia and Somalia, totaled $518.24 million (TL 4.127 billion) in 2015, it reached $846.46 million in 2019.

Relations between Africa and Turkey gained momentum when the first Turkey-Africa Cooperation Summit was held in the commercial capital Istanbul with the participation of representatives from 50 African countries in 2008 and the second summit being held in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea in 2014. Turkey has 42 Turkish embassies in African countries.

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Maersk to Ship American COVID -19 Vaccine Around the World

Maersk has sealed a deal with COVAXX to ship the American pharmaceutical firm’s COVID-19 vaccine around the world when and if it gets approval by regulatory authorities.

COVAXX is currently conducting Phase 1 clinical trials of its vaccine in Taiwan and has an agreement with the University of Nebraska Medical Center to conduct Phase 2 trials in the United States, upon regulatory approval. The company has advanced pre-commitments for over 100m doses round the globe. Maersk will oversee all logistics activities to ensure efficient transportation to developing countries. The agreement provides for end-to-end supply chain management, packing and shipping, via air or ocean, ground transportation, warehouse storage and distribution to facilities to support COVAXX’s requirements for a pharmaceutical grade, temperature-controlled supply chain.

COVAXX is planning to manufacture 100m doses of its vaccine during early 2021, and a billion doses by the end of 2021.

“Efficient and safe delivery of COVID-19 vaccines around the world is the most urgent logistics challenge we face today. A. P. Moller – Maersk is committed to working closely with COVAXX to ensure smooth end-to-end global delivery of this vaccine as soon as it becomes available,” said Rob Townley, head of special project logistics at Maersk.

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Greening Our Shipping: Wind-Powered Cargo Ships Can Change Future of Freight Cutting Emissions By 90%

The global cargo shipping industry accounts for roughly 2 percent of all greenhouse emissions worldwide. Soon, an advanced clean energy ship could finally deliver an eco-friendly solution for hauling freight across the ocean.

Automakers understand that ‘electrifying’ our transport sector will be crucial in lowering dangerous emissions to mitigate a climate crisis. But two areas in which electrifying our transportation has proven to be difficult include commercial aviation—and heavy-duty cargo shipping.

A prototype announced in September by Wallenius Marine could finally change that. Powered by a series of massive retractable “sails” that resemble airplane wings, the OceanBird will reportedly carry 7,000 cars (or any weight equivalent) across the ocean while cutting carbon emissions by a stunning 90 percent—a game-changer for a global industry that currently carries an oversized carbon tally.

Anywhere we move heavy-duty ships across the oceans or large waterways, eco-friendly sailing can make a significant impact—and investors hope that OceanBird, with its 90% reduction in carbon emissions, will be an important part of this equation.

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