Ethiopian Freight Forwarders and Shipping Agents Association

EFFSAA Weekly Newsletter, Vol. 01, No. 009

Memorandum of Understanding Signed between EFFSAA and CIFA.

Ethiopian Freight Forwarders and Shipping Agents Association (EFFSAA) has signed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with China International Freight Forwarders Association (CIFA).

The two associations agreed to collaborate on business cooperation channels, trainings, construction of International Logistics Alliance, organization of conferences, meetings, forums, seminars and cooperation which benefits their members.

Mrs. Elizabeth Getahun, President of the EFFSAA and Mr. Li Zhimin, Secretary General of CIFA signed the agreement representing their respective associations.

CIFA, one of the world’s well known association of logisticians was founded in 2000. It has 21 Municipal Level Freight Forwarders Association and more than 6,200 individual members covering every corner of China mainland.

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Demand for Partial Sale of ESLSE is Canceled.

The government has canceled the privatization of the Ethiopian Shipping and Logistics Service Enterprise which was announced for the partial privatization from the selected state-owned entities.

According to W/ro Dagmawit Moges – Minister, Ministry of Transport, only vessels of ESLSE will be sold. Even though the ships have less loading capacity of cargo compared to other countries, the government believed that it is advisable to use its own vessels.

Because different cargoes need to be loaded at different times, lack of owning vessels may jeopardize national security; the Council of Ministers has decided to privatize dry ports by canceling the sale.

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Government Suspends Privatization of Ethiopian Airlines.

The Government of Ethiopia disclosed that it has suspended the privatization of Ethiopian Airlines, the largest airline in Africa.

Finance Minister Ahmed Shide said that the government has decided to suspend the plan to privatize Ethiopian Airlines as the company’s competitiveness in the international market continues despite the outbreak of COVID-19 that has been seriously affecting the world’s economy. Ethiopian is still one of the leading competent government entities in Africa, the minister noted.

Amid the global pandemic that crippled the global aviation and tourism industry, Ethiopian Airlines has generated annual revenue of 122.14 billion Birr (about 3.3 billion USD at current exchange rate) during the Ethiopian budget year that concluded on July 7, 2020.

Hence, based on these existing realities, the government has decided to suspend the plan to privatize Ethiopian Airlines.

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Recognition was given to Stakeholders who Contributes for the Timely Delivery of Fertilizer.

Ethiopian Shipping and Logistics Services Enterprise together with Ministry of Agriculture organized a recognition program to significant contributors on the transportation of fertilizer in 2012/13 budget year.

The Recognition Program, which was conducted at the recently opened Entoto Park, was attended by many stakeholders of the sector including Ethiopian Ambassador to Djibouti Berhanu Tsegaye, Mr. Aboubaker Omar Hadi – President of Djibouti Ports and Free Zones Authority, High Officials from Djibouti Ports, H.E Ato Oumer Hussein – Minister, FDRE Ministry of Agriculture, H.E. Ato Ahmed Shide – Minister, FDRE Ministry of Finance, Ato Roba Megersa – CEO of ESLSE, Ato Mekonnen Aberra – Director General of EMAA, Ato Awol Wogris – State Minister of FDRE Ministry of Transport and other high officials of the government.

See More at:—Freight-Company/Ethiopian-Shipping-and-Logistics-Services-Enterprise-ኢባትሎአድ-183531442255870/


The New National Transport Policy Allowed the Private Sector to Engage in the Logistics Sector

The new national logistics policy allows the private sector to engage on the multimodal transport services for the first time. The policy also allows local and foreign investors to participate in the development of the dry port.

To create competent and empowered local investor, both sectors will be open to local investors only for the next 3 years. Foreign investors will enter to the market afterwards.

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FIATA Regions Meet in October

October is full of regional meetings at FIATA. The Region Africa and Middle East (RAME) will next meet on Monday, 26 October 13h-15h (CET) to discuss topics covering COVID-19 and custom issues and the new Israel/UAE peace agreement, to name a few.

The Region Asia-Pacific will meet tomorrow, Wednesday, 14 October at 9h-11h (CET) to discuss the COVID-19 impact on trade and investment and legal matters related to the pandemic.

The Region Americas will digitally gather on Thursday, 22 October at 16h-17h (CET) to go through customs affairs and follow up on the demurrage fees situation on the continent.

Finally, the Region Europe will hold their next meeting on Wednesday, 18 November at 15h30-16h30 (CET) and will particularly focus on discussing the EU first mobility package. The Airfreight Institute (AFI) and Multimodal Transport Institute (MTI) also have upcoming meetings, on 27 October and 5 November respectively.

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