Ethiopian Freight Forwarders and Shipping Agents Association

EFFSAA Weekly Newsletter, Vol. 01, No. 002

FIATA will hold virtual training free of charge

International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations (FIATA) will conduct an online training on “Prevention of Wildlife Trafficking” at the end of September. The course aims to help Forwarders understand how they may encounter wildlife trafficking, how trafficking takes place, and how they can intervene. The course is available free of charge for all.

For more information and enrollment, read at

“Removing Barrier: Simplifying the Logistics Process in the Digital Era” – A Webinar will be held on the beginning of September.

A webinar arranged by Djibouti Ports Community System (DPCS) will be hold on September 03, 2020 with a theme “Removing Barrier: Simplifying the Logistics Process in the Digital Era”. The session is expected to be attended virtually by different stakeholders of the Logistics industry from both Ethiopia and Djibouti.

Ethiopian Customs Commission Freezes 16 Couriers Services

The Ethiopian Customs Commission has frozen courier services of 16 companies citing the lack of an operator license.

The Commission sent out a notice informing the courier service providers, including FedEx and UPS, that it had suspended their services as of last Thursday, August 6, 2020. However, DHL, the German courier and express mail service and EMS, the designated universal postal service provider of the Ethiopian Postal Service, have continued as they operate in their own designated warehouse.

The courier service providers had been operating out of an area managed under International Cargo & Aviation Services, which was renting out space to the 16 service providers at a location inside a terminal at Bole International Airport. However, a year ago, when the airport underwent renovation work, they were temporarily moved to an area at the cargo division of Ethiopian Airlines.

Read more at:

Ethiopia Launches First Shipment of Refrigerated Fruits & Vegetables

Ethiopia has launched first ever shipment of refrigerated fruits and vegetables in the presence of high ranking government officials and representatives from Embassy of the Netherlands in Addis Ababa. Shipment marks a major milestone in the development of a cool logistics corridor for fresh produce exports.

Minister of the Transport Ministry, Dagmawit Moges, while launching the shipment, said “the trial operation is an important step to look forward and utilize the cool logistics corridor development for the export of fruit and vegetables from Ethiopia.” The first container loaded with Avocado fruit has been lifted from Modjo Dry port to be transported to European Market via Ethio-Djibouti transport corridor.

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