Ethiopian Freight Forwarders and Shipping Agents Association

EFFSAA Weekly Newsletter, Vol. 01, No. 001

Zoom Meeting was conducted on the Draft Multi-Modal Transportation Business Licensing Regulation

Zoom meeting was held on Thursday August 6, 2020. The meeting was arranged by Ethiopian Maritime Affairs Authority on the draft Multi-Modal Transportation Business Licensing regulation.

An invitation was sent to all members of EFFSAA via email and around 14 members participated on the meeting. The session was opened by the Director General of EMAA Ato Mekonnen Abera. Following Ato Mekonnen’s opening remark, Ato Ewnetu Chufa, Director of EMAA-Logistics Transformation Office presented points submitted from the Association of the draft document along with LTO’s reflections. Important issues were raised based on the LTO Director’s presentation and different thoughts, comments, suggestion were reflected and questions were raised from EFFSAA members.

EFFSAA commenced Young Logisticians Training Program (YLP)


Ethiopian Freight Forwarders and Shipping Agents Association (EFFSAA) commenced The Young Logisticians Training Program (YLP) for the very first time on Wednesday August 6, 2020. The program is organized by EFFSAA in collaboration with Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zuammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ) to offer the internationally accredited FIATA Diploma in international Freight Forwarding to 80 unemployed University graduates. In this regard, EFFSAA aims to increase qualified human power to the sector and to play its role on the minimization of unemployment rate by creating a job opportunity. The program is expected to take 6-7 months and all COVID-19 prevention protocols will be implemented throughout the training.

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Ethio-Djibouti Logistics Technical Committee was inaugurated

Ethio-Djibouti joint Logistics Technical Committee was officially inaugurated on August 4, 2020. The committee comprised of private and government stakeholders of both countries is formed according to a decision emanated from the national logistics conference which was held on the 28th of October, 2019. It is to be recalled that, the conference was organized by Ethiopian Logistics Community of Practice (ELCoP) in collaboration with the Ethiopian Freight Forwarders and Shipping Agents Association (EFFSAA), the Ethiopian Logistics and Supply Chain Management Professionals Association (ELSA), The Ethiopian Maritime Affairs Authority (EMAA) and World Food Program (WFP) at Hyatt Regency with a theme Challenges and Prospects of Ethiopia’s Logistics Industry.

In the conference, the logistics challenges and prospects were discussed in detail in a very participatory manner and 51 problems were identified. One of the conference proceedings was to set up a Logistics Technical Committee among the private and government stakeholders of Ethiopian and Djiboutian partners.

The meeting was attended by Société de Gestion du Terminal à conteneurs de Doraleh (SGTD), Djibouti Ports Corridor Road (DPCR), Djibouti Customs, Doraleh Multi-Purpose Port (DMP), Djibouti Freight Forwarders (ATD), Djibouti Freight Forwarders (RTA), Ethiopian Freight Forwarders and Shipping Agents Association (EFFSAA), Ethiopian Logistics Community of Practice (ELCoP), Logistics Transformation Office (LTO) and Ethiopian Shipping and Logistics Services Enterprise (ESLSE). This committee is expected to reflect on the prevailing operation and system logistics problems and to provide to appropriate solution to the identified problems and more along the corridor and beyond.

Ethiopia starts using Port of Tadjourah


Ethiopian Shipping and Logistics Services Enterprise (ESLSE) announced that it started using Djibouti’s Port of Tadjourah, which received the first vessel on July 17 with Ethiopian cargo. Roba Megersa, CEO of ESLSE, told Capital that the port, which was idle for years, has now started giving service for Ethiopian cargo. He said that the vessel with cargo of coal arrived on July 17 and is transported to Ethiopia.

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The National Logistics Council is officially established


With the purpose of solving the country’s logistical problems in a sustainable and orderly manner, Ethiopia’s National Logistics Council is officially formed on the 28th of July, 2020. The council comprises key government and private sector stakeholders and held stakeholders meeting to officially announce its formation and create transparency on its future proceeding.

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