Ethiopian Freight Forwarders and Shipping Agents Association

EFFSAA Successfully Revalidated FIATA Diploma Training

EFFSAA Successfully Revalidated FIATA Diploma Training
EFFSAA successfully revalidated all the training modules by FIATA Logistics Institute (FLI). Accordingly the Association become eligible to deliver the internationally accredited FIATA Diploma for the next 4 years. Ethiopian Freight Forwarders and Shipping Agents Association (EFFSAA) started delivering FIATA diploma since 2017 and it marked 4 years. The program makes the Association the only national Logistics Association in Ethiopia in delivering this unique training program. In order to continue the training program Association members shall get an accreditation from FIATA which will be approved by a module revision continued by revalidation. Accordingly, EFFSAA went through module revalidation by submitting all the required documents and appeared for defense. On a virtual defense program which included Elizabeth Getahun-President of EFFSAA, Dawit Woubishet-Vice President of EFFSAA & Chairperson of FIATA-AFI, Salahadin Khalifa-Training Technic Committee Chairperson of EFFSAA & Chairman of FIATA-RAME, Emnete Tadesse and Kahsay Mehari, Certified Trainers of FIATA Diploma and Training Technic Committee Members of EFFSAA, Stephen McDermott, FLI Chair, Alvin Chua and Mohammad Tive, FLI Task Force 1 Members, Frédérique Roche-Professional Development & Sustainability Officer at FIATA and Sofia Aiche, Training and Education Assistant at FIATA, the Association properly answered for questions raised by validators from FLI. The validators gave their confirmation on the completeness and accuracy of the information as well as the materials submitted by EFFSAA and also approved the submitted materials are prepared according to FIATA standards. Accordingly EFFSAA got a green light from FIATA which makes it a certified training center to deliver the training for the next 4 years. Moreover, a new module i.e. Maritime Containerization will be 14th module which will be included on the coming sessions. It is to be recalled that Re-validation occurs when a training program is re-assessed by FIATA, after it has already been validated. This must occur every four years – which reflects the dynamic nature of the logistics sector. Through this process, FIATA ensures that validated programs are updated to best match the evolving needs of the industry and related standards.

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