Ethiopian Freight Forwarders and Shipping Agents Association

EFFSAA held talks with KPA


Ethiopian Freight Forwarders and Shipping Agents Association (EFFSAA) held talks with Kenya Ports Authority (KPA).

EFFSAA was one of the Ethiopian logistics stakeholders who was chosen for a discussion with KPA’s delegation during their official visit to Ethiopia along with other stakeholders like Ethiopian Maritime Authority, Ethiopian Shipping and Logistics Services Enterprise, Ethiopian Railways Corporation, Ethiopian Chamber of Commerce and Sectoral Association, and Ethiopian Transporters Association.

The two entities had a vibrant discussion on various topics at the conference hall of the Association. The delegation of KPA mainly explained the expansion works at the Port of Lamu and offered the use of alternative ports to the Ethiopian counterpart. EFFSAA team on the other side briefed the activities of Ethiopia’s Logistics sector and its engagements in the country’s Logistics industry.

Questions were raised from both sides on points which need further clarifications and each party tried to address the raised issues based on its scope; as some of them need policy interventions and amendments.

The Kenya Ports Authority (KPA) is responsible to maintain, operate, improve and regulate all sea and inland waterway ports in Kenya.

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