Ethiopian Freight Forwarders and Shipping Agents Association

EFFSAA Held Its General Assembly

Ethiopian Freight Forwarders and Shipping Agents Association (EFFSAA) held its General Meeting on Friday 10th of May 2022 at Hyatt Regency Hotel.

A session which had various programs was attended by Ato Salahadin Khalifa, Chairperson of FIATA-RAME and former President of EFFSAA, Eng.Yehualaeshet Jemere, Director General of Ethiopian Maritime Authority, Ato Roba Megersa, CEO of Ethiopian Shipping and Logistics Services Enterprise, Ato Mekonnen Abera, Former Director General of Ethiopian Maritime Authority and Dr. Matiwos Ensermu, President of Ethiopian Logistics and Supply Chain Management Professionals Association aside from members of the Association.

Reports presentation and discussions preceded the launching program of both the intro and theme for its new radio program and the video highlight from the upcoming documentary film of the Association, which got a warm welcome from participants.

EFFSAA acknowledged individuals who have made an outstanding contribution and support for its strength. Additionally, 6 professionals have been selected by the board of directors for honorary membership in recognition of their remarkable service and contribution to the Logistics sector of Ethiopia. Accordingly, the “godfather of the African sky” Ato Girma Wake, the former Director General of Ethiopian Maritime Authority and the Logistics guru, Ato Mekonnen Abera who is active in the Logistics sector for more than 35 years of experience, Ato Kaleayu Tessema who has 37 years of experience, Ato Endalkachew Bekele and Ato Yared Shiferaw, each of them having 35 years of experience and Ato Bruck Dagne who is active in the sector for more than 33 years become honorary members of EFFSAA. The Association has now 7 honorary members. Besides to the honorary membership, EFFSAA awarded Ato Mekonnen Abera for his remarkable service during his leadership at the Authority.

The recognition ceremony was followed by a study which shows on the engagement of the private sector on multimodal operation.

Ethiopian Freight Forwarders and Shipping Agents Association (EFFSAA) would like to forward its deepest gratitude to all attendants who actively participated on the session and who put their effort for the successful completion of the assembly.

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