Ethiopian Freight Forwarders and Shipping Agents Association

Closing Program of Capacity Building Program Held

The closing program of capacity building program which was conducted starting from 13th of December 2021 was held on Saturday January 01 2022 at the training hall of EFFSAA. On the closing program, President of EFFSAA, W/ro Elizabeth Getahun, Vice President of EFFSAA and Chairman of Airfreight Institute (AFI) of FIATA, Ato Dawit Woubishet, Chairman of Region Africa and Middle East (RAME) of FIATA, Ato Salahadin Khalifa, A/Country Director of Trademark East Africa Ato Abenet Bekele and trainees who completed the training programs successfully were presented. A total of 68 professionals who attended these three training programs received certificate of completion from invited guests of the program.

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