Ethiopian Freight Forwarders and Shipping Agents Association

Teodros Abraham

Teodros Abraham

Teodros Abraham

Former Vice President

Teodros Abraham is the Managing Director of CLS Logistics Services which he co-founded in 2007 and a Founding Partner at CLEANAY cleaning and janitorial service established in 1993 in Addis Ababa Ethiopia. He serves on the executive board of the Ethiopian Freight Forwarders and Shipping Agents Association (EFFSAA)

As the MD of CLS logistics, Teodros has been responsible to grow the company from a mere startup to a mid-sized logistics company. Driven by the passion to find creative solutions to business challenges, Teodros has been committed to investing his resources to develop various solutions that have resulted in transformational changes to the way companies have managed their supply chain processes.

He received his B.Sc. in Electronic Engineering from DeVry University and his Leadership Certificate from Stanford Graduate School of Business.