Ethiopian Freight Forwarders and Shipping Agents Association

Mulugeta Assefa

Mulugeta Assefa

Former President

Mulugeta Assefa has founded EFFSAA in collaboration with his industry fellows, who share a common concern & vision for the advancement of freight forwarding & shipping agency sector in Ethiopia in particular and logistics sector in general. He had served as President of EFFSAA for three terms. He still continues to provide professional support to the Association & currently serve as member of its Port, Transport, & Multimodal Affairs Committee.

He founded & led MACCFA Freight Logistics PLC to become one of widely recognized private logistics companies in Ethiopia. He had served as Chief Executive Officer of the company until December 2020. Mulugeta has played a colossal role in managing logistics solutions successfully to company’s clients that had been engaged in transport infrastructure development, energy/power sectors, and beverage & alcohol manufacturing sub-sectors apart from his company leadership role. Currently, Mulugeta is the Chairman of MACCFA Freight Logistics PLC-a joint venture company with CEVA Logistics and the Chairman of CMA CGM Ethiopia Shipping Agency S.C.

Mulugeta is highly recognized in the discourse of policy, strategy & regulatory framework formulation & review in Ethiopia’s transport & logistics sector.

He holds a BSc Degree in Library & Information Science from Addis Ababa University and he has also acquired Certificate of Professional Qualification in Customs Clearing Course from the then Ethiopian Customs Authority, now Ethiopian Customs Commission & Train-the-Trainer (TOT) from International Federation of Freight Forwarders Association (FIATA). Furthermore, he has also passed through an international certification program on Tasks & Responsibilities of Forwarders, Agencies & Shipping Lines from Apec-Antwerp.