Ethiopian Freight Forwarders and Shipping Agents Association

Elizabeth Getahun

W/o Elizabeth Getahun

Elizabeth Getahun

Former President

Elizabeth is the Chief Executive Officer of Panafric Global, one of the leading logistics companies in Ethiopia. She is also President of the Ethiopian Freight Forwarding and Shipping Agents Association (EFFSAA) and the Ethiopian Logistics Community of Practice (ELCoP).

She has more than twenty-five years of professional experience in areas related to logistics and transport, which allowed her to contribute to Policy reforms, sustainable freight transport and logistics transformation in Ethiopia, as a board president of the two Logistics Associations. Elizabeth has been Keynote speaker at several events and panel discussions.

She holds Post Graduate Diploma in Planning and Policy from the Netherlands Institution of Social Studies and Bachelor of Arts Degree in Sociology and Social Administration from Addis Ababa University.