Ethiopian Freight Forwarders and Shipping Agents Association

IFF Training Finalized Successfully

Our Association has successfully completed Introduction to Freight Forwarding training which took place from July 04 to July 13, 2022.

Ethiopian Freight Forwarders and Shipping Agents Association has been delivering one of the most important FIATA Diploma training course, Introduction to Freight Forwarding, for 8 consecutive working days.

This training with a duration of 32 hours was attended by 22 professionals from various professions. The training was given by a FIATA Diploma certified trainer who has a vast experience in the field.

On the final day of training, Ato. Dawit Wubshet, Vice President of EFFSAA and the first African who is currently chairing the Air Freight Institute (AFI) of FIATA presented and delivered an important message to trainees and also gave certificate of completion to the trainees who completed the training properly.

The trainer, Ato Sisay Asres, said that the profession of freight forwarding is not recognized as it should be in our country and as a result, the profession is not being practiced properly. He added that, this training hopefully will fill the gaps that trainees observed and met their expectations.

Trainees also shared their thoughts about the training.

Ethiopian Freight Forwarders and Shipping Agents Association will continue arranging short-term trainings focusing on various topics of Logistics and is also resuming registration for the 13th round of FIATA Diploma training.

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