Ethiopian Freight Forwarders and Shipping Agents Association

EFFSAA Graduated Over 150 Trainees by Internationally Accredited Freight Forwarding Diploma

The Association warmly graduated 78 regular program and 80 Young Logisticians Training Program trainees with the presence of high government officials.

The graduation ceremony was held on 1st of April 2021 at Sheraton Addis Hotel Lalibela Ballroom. During the event, W/ro Dagmawit Moges, Minister of Transport, Ato Debele Kabeta, Commissioner of Customs Commission and Ato Mekonnen Abera, Director General of Ethiopian Maritime Affairs Authority delivered a congratulatory message and urged graduates to utilize the knowledge they acquired from the training for the development of the Logistics sector of Ethiopia.

This colorful ceremony which marked the largest number of trainees in the history of the Association, were also attended by Ato Yabibal Addis, Deputy Director General of Ethiopian Maritime Affairs Authority, Ato Roba Megersa, CEO of Ethiopian Shipping and Logistics Services Enterprise, Former Presidents of the Association, members, trainers, guests from different government and non-government institutes.

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